Excerpts from www.smellmeand.com:

VULVA Original - The New Irresistible Vaginal Scent

"After many years of extensive testing and an especially developed preservation procedure, we have succeeded in capturing the sought-after organic vaginal scent with a long lasting effect."

Please hold while I go off and bottle up some ballsweat and make the manly man version.

HUGO Balls - The New Fragrance From Men

"After many years of extensive testing and an especially developed preservation procedure, we have succeeded in capturing the essence of fresh sweat trickling down a man's ballsack, dripping rhythmically off strands of hair like a light, mid-day shower."

I really ought to start publishing papers or something.

So once again, someone in a prominent position gets the same idea that I did many years back... except he gets credit for it because, you know, he's an academic and whatnot and I'm just a random dude. This time round, it's the concept that free will is an illusion - we appear to have free will and enjoy the "ability" to choose, when in reality we do not. I wrote a little paper on it once, comparing the process of decision making to that of solving a math MCQ question - despite the appearance of multiple options, resolving the question/making the decision will always yield only one result in the list (like how 5 - 2 will always give 3, despite the MCQ having 4 possible answers to choose from), thus implying that we never really had a choice to begin with.

For those interested in the reading, here's the link.

Oh well, at least I know that my personal hypotheses aren't whack and I'm not some nutjob :P


So I received news last week that a school recruitment campaign I worked on resulted in all their courses being filled to the brim and then some.

It's a very different feeling, pride because an ad performed really well as opposed to pride because an ad was really well crafted.

That is all.

Rules and procedures may be dumb, but they spare you from thinking.

Best presentation ever. This guy sums up the single biggest problem with modern society. Laws and rules have turned society into one big, buggy, badly coded program as people insist on following rules and procedures against their common sense.

This is why I never believed in rules, and still think that the way legal systems work is deeply flawed.

Humanity got this far because of our brain. I don't understand why most people don't like thinking. It's like a lion refusing to use its claws and sharp teeth.

The world never ceases to amaze


I had originally wanted to post about Cinderella today but OMGWTFLOLOLOLOLOLOL

BNN Special Report!

Dubai, land of opulence, decided to refrigerate an entire beach.

W. T. F.

Come on, people. There's a limit to how extravagant and wasteful people should be, and this is waaaaay over the limit. Even if you have the money to, it's still wrong, man.

In other news, an Aussie gambler blew $909 million (AUD 1.4 billion) at... ... CROWN CASINO! Best part of this is, he's suing the casino. Hey, here's a tip: how about exercising a little bit of self control next time? Seriously, some people don't deserve the kind of money they're earning.

Gee, if I had 909 million, I'd probably take 900 million out and make 900 families REALLY fucking happy. But first they'll have to prove to me that they're of decent enough character to deserve getting a free rescue from the terrors of the rat race. And a promise that they will do the same if they ever find themselves with too much money too.

Barbie vs Bratz, Round 1... FIGHT!

Friend sent me an article this morning about how Mattel (who makes Barbie dolls) is suing the pants off whoever it is who makes Bratz dolls, claiming that the creator of Bratz thought of the idea while working on Barbie so therefore Bratz infringes on something or another.

Silliness of the lawsuit aside, I'm not going to complain if Bratz gets pulled off the shelves. Those damned things are a bad influence to young girls the world over anyway. Have you seen how slutty some of those prepubescent dolls look? Come on, there's so much more to being a female than trying to look like a whore.

Speaking of which, what is it with people equating growing up with being sexy/having sex? Growing up isn't a physical thing - it's a mental thing. As much as adults like to say how kids are growing up so fast nowadays with their tube tops and makeup and whatnot, I actually think kids aren't growing up at all nowadays. Growing up is about developing mental maturity. It's about learning that life isn't always about having fun or only doing what you want to, about learning to do what needs to be done when it has to be done, about learning to be responsible, about learning to be reasonable, about learning that you have to work to get what you want. Most importantly, it is about learning to be happy doing all of those things willingly. Only then is a person truly grown up.

I really need to stop complaining about humanity so much... but I can't help it when they're giving me so much to complain about. That and the fact that there's pretty much nothing I can do to change any of this :(

Oh well, time to go to my happy pancakes again =)

This, kids, is why school is important.

Or you just might end up like Yogi Berra who left school at 8th grade, who's more well known for his Yogiisms than his baseball career:

90 percent of putts that fall short don't go in.

No one goes there any more, it's too crowded.

A nickel ain't worth a dime anymore.

Always go to other peoples' funerals otherwise they won't go to yours.

Half the lies they tell about me aren't true.

I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous.

I'm not going to buy my kids an encyclopedia. Let them walk to school like I did!

I always thought that record would stand until it was broken.

I couldn't tell if the streaker was a man or a woman because it had a bag on its head.

I usually take a two hour nap from 1 to 4.

I wish I had an answer to that, because I'm tired of answering that question.

If I didn't wake up, I'd still be sleeping.

If the world were perfect, it wouldn't be.

If you ask me a question I don't know I'm not going to answer.

If you can't imitate him, don't copy him.

If you don't know where you're going, you'll wind up somewhere else.

It ain't over 'til it's over.

It's like déjà vu all over again.

It was hard to have a conversation with anyone; there were so many people talking.

Ninety percent of this game is mental, and the other half is physical.

Pair up in threes.

Pitching always beats batting -- and vice-versa.

Steve McQueen looks good in this movie. He must have made it before he died.

The future ain't what it used to be.

The other team could make trouble for us if they win.

We have a good time together, even when we're not together.

We made too many wrong mistakes.

We're lost but we're making good time.

When you get to a fork in the road, take it.

You can observe a lot by watching.

You have to give 100 percent in the first half of the game. If that isn't enough, in the second half, you have to give what's left.

I can't concentrate when I'm thinking.

Anyone else get the feeling that he's trying too hard to sound sophisticated? Oh well, at least he's unintentionally funny as hell.


This just in from news.com.au and telegraph.co.uk. Thankfully these statistics only apply to British women. From a survey of 2000 women:

- 1 in 4 young women have slept with more than 10 people, compared with 1 in 5 men who had done the same.

So much for men being the sexual predators...

- Half of those questioned admitted they had been unfaithful, whereas only a quarter said they had been cheated on by a boyfriend. Half of the unfaithful women are repeat offenders.

Okay, this is iffy because some might have been cheated on by their boyfriend without knowing, but even disregarding that, 1 in 2 girls have cheated on their boyfriends, and 1 in 4 cheat repeatedly.

- And yet, 99% of women would dump a man who cheated on them.


- Just 1 per cent of young women said they would want to get married before having sex, with the majority losing their virginity at 16.

lolwtf 16. 'nuff said.

- More than half said they were not in love with their first partner, and only 1 in 3 believe it is important to be in love with someone before going to bed with them.

To someone they don't even love too. Wait, what was that about men only wanting sex and not love again? I can't really hear you through all this debauchery.

- 7 out of 10 said they had had a one-night stand, with a fifth admitting to having had more than five casual encounters.

Well, no male statistical counterpart to compare with here, but there's a 70% chance your woman will sleep with a man she's only known for a few hours.

- 60 per cent said they would be prepared to do a "kiss-and-tell", and would sell their account of a one-night-stand with a famous person for £20,000.

Can this be considered a form of prostitution?

- 4 out of 10 said they would marry for money or sleep with their boss if it meant they would get promoted, while a quarter would have an affair with a married man.

Hot damn, morality and self respect just went flying out of the window. If you think this takes the cake, wait till you see the last finding...

- However the respondents still claimed they are not having as much sex as they would like, with 13 per cent claiming their love life is "disappointing" and a further 10 per cent calling it "non-existent". According to the survey, the average young woman has sex 3 times a week but would prefer to do it 5 times.

These are the same people who accuse men of thinking about sex all the time while acting all high and mighty and pure. Like I've been trying to tell everyone since forever... GIRLS ARE HORNIER THAN GUYS but noooooooo, no one believes me.

If this trend spreads over to Asian countries I think I'm not gonna be getting married ever.


More news to make you think about the world you live in, simply because.

You know we're in a recession when Russians cut back on Vodka. The amazing thing is they're not sober - they're just guzzling down cheaper alternatives like, oh, say, perfume.

Then again, the US asking Gulf states for 300 billion bucks should have clued you in already. Let's see... US. Gulf. $300 billion favour. Nope, don't think that's gonna happen.

Pirates (the ship hijacking kind) now come with their own maaaaarrrrrrrketing depaaaarrrrrrrtment. "What we want for this ship is only $25 million, because we always charge according to the quality of the ship and the value of the product."

Female juror asked her friends on Facebook if the defendants were guilty. People need to learn to think before they do anything. Isn't that why we have brains?

Teens get involved with a fatal accident, then proceed to order McDonald's takeaway as elderly lady fights for her life. Because you know, f*ck the two old people they crashed into cause they need their cheeseburgers. Welcome to the future of humanity, where there's no future and no humanity.

Why design is the biggest scam ever.

New York City should have approached me... I would've charged them only $1 million lol

Bulldamn News Network!

All the money in the world won't make you a good person: Donald Trump sues a reporter for 5 billion for calling him a mere "millionaire" when he's actually a billionaire.

The result of clients who insist on having their way with design. Been there, done that, hated it: Police force spends 35,000 pounds worth of taxpayer money "redesigning" their logo into... the same old logo.

Proof that humans aren't logical creatures: Man drives drunk to police HQ to protest his drink driving charges.


I was named media ethics student of the year for being totally nutso in philosophy class. I figured since it was a philosophy-based class I could have my bit of fun with people by messing with their heads by saying really strange things that I know make philosophical sense, and that got me a chocolate candy prize :)
Ah, well. Philosophy was fun. A lot of my friends think it's bad because everyone goes in looking for answers but most people just come out even more confused, but what I learnt was that the confusion is the answer. The answer isn't in any one of the theories that were being taught - the answer lies in the fact that there are so many competing theories in existence.
The real lesson to be learnt is to understand and embrace the fact that there are no answers, and that there really isn't a need for answers at all.

I... AM... IRON TRAN!!!

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I was bored so I thought I'd finish up what started out as a doodle in class... the frilly underpants and sleeves seem to have gotten lost in the details :(

I might get around to coloring it, but it seems like such a daunting task and I don't think I'll have the time to anytime soon.

You know you use too much computer when...

... you're reading a textbook and your hand automatically reaches for the mouse and tries to scroll down to the next page.

Hahahahaha damn :(

John Tesh is Good.

I really, really like this tune for some reason. I know it's so 90's and all, but the VIOLINS AND CHEESY ELECTRIC GUITARS. It's like reliving your childhood days of action cartoons and 16-bit computer games all over again.

Digital fine-dining.

Today's specialty is a hand-picked selection of the finest news the internet has to offer, seasoned with a generous dose of interest, a sprinkling of strange and a touch of sadness.

Nursery Rhymes and their secret meanings.

That's SIR Nils Olav. Norwegian King's Guard knights a penguin.

Bigfoot carcass discovered (with pics).

Chinese dancer paralyzed for life during Olympics rehearsal, China tried to keep mum.

And people STILL think the Earth is flat. Humanity is doomed.


Holy crap that kid does a really good impression of Gordon Ramsay! He even got the hair right XD