Oh my goodness this has got to be the funniest thing EVER. If you've been following the news in Singapore, you'll know all about the Odex saga, where this really crappy anime subbing company decides to threaten anime downloaders to either pay them $5000 or get sued in court. The anime community is of course incensed, seeing it as an act of extortion to line their own pockets because Odex sales have been crap because their subs are crap.
Well, some anime fan decided to stage an anti-Odex protest using his action figures at Youth Park (link to his blog post here), and lo and behold, the police somehow knew about his intentions beforehand (monitor the net much?) and sent down FOUR RIOT VANS to the scene to, umm, stop the toys from protesting.
Aside from the obvious humor value of seeing four riot vans being sent down to stop a bunch of toys, I must say that that guy has got the balls man. Kudos to him for carrying through with the plan even though the police knew about it and came down all prepared for some kind of big fight or something.
In defense of the police force though, I guess it would have been a wise choice to always prepare for the worst, so even though it looks bad on them this time, they're just doing their job. Also, I'll salute them for being a good enough sport to not stop the guy from doing the little toy protest. Maybe its because he demonstrated non violent intentions.
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