I love the internet.

Okay, I'm supposed to be doing my work now, but since today's such a nice and sunny day I felt I just had to post some of these things up to brighten up the day even more.

1) Hello Kitty AK-47. Buy one here for just $1072.95! (Note: Make sure it is legal to purchase assault rifles in your country, and please don't hurt anyone with it. Hello Kitty would be really sad if you did.)

2) Getting married saps a man's testosterone level. No wonder men are bastards while they're single and henpecked once they get married.

3) More of captain obvious from the scientific community. People feel happier when they have free time to relax! An earth shattering insight into human psychology, eh?

4) Funny picture, with the funniest comment ever.

"Hmm, looks like you have a bad case of polaroids." - Anonymous


Hassan Ali said...

Well.. He must be getting a good picture in there? who knows =D

hemanthkumar said...

he is searching for nice nice picture through that

Unknown said...

searching in dark room for bright things..