I really ought to start publishing papers or something.

So once again, someone in a prominent position gets the same idea that I did many years back... except he gets credit for it because, you know, he's an academic and whatnot and I'm just a random dude. This time round, it's the concept that free will is an illusion - we appear to have free will and enjoy the "ability" to choose, when in reality we do not. I wrote a little paper on it once, comparing the process of decision making to that of solving a math MCQ question - despite the appearance of multiple options, resolving the question/making the decision will always yield only one result in the list (like how 5 - 2 will always give 3, despite the MCQ having 4 possible answers to choose from), thus implying that we never really had a choice to begin with.

For those interested in the reading, here's the link.

Oh well, at least I know that my personal hypotheses aren't whack and I'm not some nutjob :P