Barbie vs Bratz, Round 1... FIGHT!

Friend sent me an article this morning about how Mattel (who makes Barbie dolls) is suing the pants off whoever it is who makes Bratz dolls, claiming that the creator of Bratz thought of the idea while working on Barbie so therefore Bratz infringes on something or another.

Silliness of the lawsuit aside, I'm not going to complain if Bratz gets pulled off the shelves. Those damned things are a bad influence to young girls the world over anyway. Have you seen how slutty some of those prepubescent dolls look? Come on, there's so much more to being a female than trying to look like a whore.

Speaking of which, what is it with people equating growing up with being sexy/having sex? Growing up isn't a physical thing - it's a mental thing. As much as adults like to say how kids are growing up so fast nowadays with their tube tops and makeup and whatnot, I actually think kids aren't growing up at all nowadays. Growing up is about developing mental maturity. It's about learning that life isn't always about having fun or only doing what you want to, about learning to do what needs to be done when it has to be done, about learning to be responsible, about learning to be reasonable, about learning that you have to work to get what you want. Most importantly, it is about learning to be happy doing all of those things willingly. Only then is a person truly grown up.

I really need to stop complaining about humanity so much... but I can't help it when they're giving me so much to complain about. That and the fact that there's pretty much nothing I can do to change any of this :(

Oh well, time to go to my happy pancakes again =)